Thursday 18 October 2012

Second is the best

 Here it is, my second csc236 slog. It is approaching the end of october, and I'm sure we all know what that means... Tests are approaching. Life is busy enough without all my classes stacking tests and assignments all on the same week, and CSC236 is not helping with the A2.

 To be honest, I found the term test to be much easier than I had first expected. I heard from some acquanitances that the morning section had structural induction questions, but luckily the evening test didn't have any. I had spent a lot of time studying fibonacci sequences in my previous years, so that question was well done also. All in all, what I'm more concerned about are the assignments. We may get a lot of time to work on them, but the questions are much harder and require a lot of thinking. I underestimated A1 and started a bit late, which caused me a lot of stress before it was due (Also I don't get how to use LaTeX). Hopefully A2 will go much better for me. Lucky for me Mr.Heap is generous enough to scale down my bad assignments and scale up the good ones!

Thursday 11 October 2012

So soon...

   So right now it is Thursday October 11th, 4:40 pm. The first term test for csc236 is Thursday October 11th, 6:10 pm. I can't believe it's so soon! In less than 2 hours from now, I will be in the tutorial room writing my test, worth an entire 10% of my grade, the first term test of this new year. I hope everything goes well!

   Last year, I found csc165 to be very difficult. I'm not sure if its the content, the professor, or the TA's, but this year csc236 is going much more smoothly. I am able to understand the material, and work through the problem sets and assignments without too much trouble. It would be great if this keeps up for the rest of the semester!

   Well, I can't spend too much time slogging, better get packed up and ready to do this test! Wish me luck!